Click here to go to the overall results for Tuesday evening's Summer Sim Pairs. You will also be able to load up the commentary on the hands.
Leeds Bridge Club Trust is a company limited by guarantee number: 9490140, registered in England and Wales and a registered charity, number 1161317
Registered Office: Moor Allerton Sports & Social Centre, Stonegate Road, Leeds LS17 6EL
The Club is affiliated to the English Bridge Union and the Yorkshire Contract Bridge Association
Members of Leeds Bridge Club Trust are also required to become members of Moor Allerton Sports and Social Centre (MASSC).
The annual subscription for full membership, commencing on 1 April, is £25 which includes the MASSC subscription of £20.
Table Money
The Club runs a cashless system utilising tokens which are purchased by members. One token is used for each game/session. We do ask that you pay for your tokens by BACS, if you use this facility, or by cheque.
Tuesday and Thursday Evening 'Pairs'
Yellow tokens for Tuesday and Thursday evenings are sold at the rate of 10 for £35 (or 30 for £100). These can be bought before each session.
Visitors will be charged £3.50 in cash. Once a person has played three times as a visitor, he/she will be required to become a member of Leeds Bridge Club.
Monday and Thursday 'Chicago', Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon 'Gentle Duplicate', Wednesday 'Improvers Pairs' and Thursday 'Stepping Stones'
Blue tokens for the above sessions are sold at the rate of 10 for £25. These can be bought before each session.
Visitors will be charged £2.50 in cash. Once a person has played three times as a visitor, he/she will be required to become a member of Leeds Bridge Club.