Click here to see the results of the British Autumn Sim Pairs which was held on 8 October 2024 and to download the commentary booklet.
Leeds Bridge Club Trust is a company limited by guarantee number: 9490140, registered in England and Wales and a registered charity, number 1161317
Registered Office: Moor Allerton Sports & Social Centre, Stonegate Road, Leeds LS17 6EL
The Club is affiliated to the English Bridge Union and the Yorkshire Contract Bridge Association
Click here to see the results of the British Autumn Sim Pairs 2024 and to download the commentary booklet.
The Bridge Club has no paid staff and the whole operation is run by the members themselves, rather like a cooperative. A significant proportion of club members volunteer to assist in the running of the club, often in more than one role. We are always looking for new volunteers and you can assist in the running of the activities in the following ways:
We have a rota of TDs who organise the movement, call the moves and give any necessary rulings. TDs are trained and if you would like to become a TD, we will pay for you to go on the EBU Club Director training programme. New TDs are usually given a mentor to work with as joint TD during a probationary period. Please contact Julian Hayward ( if you think you might like to become a Tournament Director
We use bridgemates at the tables and a computerised scoring system which updates results during an event. Working closely with the TD, the Scorer is responsible for ensuring that the correct movement is input and that any necessary amendments are made. At the end of the event, the Scorer produces the final results for printing and uploading to the website. Scorers are given training and support before assuming sole responsibility for an event. Scorers work on a monthly rota and if you would like to become a scorer please contact Julian Hayward (
All hands are pre-dealt and a computerised record is produced which can be accessed via this website. Duplimators prepare the hands for a week’s events at a time, using the mechanical duplimating machine. Again training will be given to those willing to join the duplimating team. If you would like to join this team please contact Jonathan Spry (
We run a hosting system on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons. This allows visitors and those members without a partner to play without prior arrangements.
We organise catering for many different matches and are always looking for new people to help on these occasions. If you are willing to be of help even once or twice a year plesase do contact our Secretary (