Leeds Bridge Club is a friendly place where you can play in a relaxed atmosphere. At the same time we ensure that the laws of the game are strictly observed and English Bridge Union (EBU) guidelines are followed consistently. Our TDs will apply the EBU laws in a friendly but firm manner. Rules which we expect all players to follow include:
Leaving all bidding cards on the table until the opening lead has been faced
Declaring your line of play when making a claim and calling the TD (not playing on) when either defender disputes the claim
Avoiding the inadvertent passing of unauthorised information by undue variations in tempo in bidding or play and the timing or intonation of questions asked
Applying EBU requirements on alerts and announcements
Calling the TD when a revoke occurs, when an insufficient bid or bid out of turn is made, when a lead is made from the wrong hand or when a misleading explanation has been given.
The club expects members and visitors to conform to the standards of fair play, courtesy and personal deportment as prescribed by the EBU and has established conduct and disciplinary committees to investigate and adjudicate on complaints.